Our team members are experienced tree maintenance professionals that are dedicated to ensuring your property is properly taken care of.
When individuals and businesses all across the North Carolina and Virigina need truly reliable tree trimming or removal, they call on the company they can trust. Here at Smith Richards Land Management, we're sure to provide an excellent result everytime, guaranteed!
We had some large hardwood trees. Most of them very close to the house and several pines some of them were leaning toward power lines. Mr. Smith contacted me promptly and set up a time to meet and review the job. After reviewing four estimates we chose Smith-Richards. Mr. Smith provided a start date and insurance information after being hired. They arrived on time, kept us informed throughout the job, went above and beyond by placing the chipper mulch in a specified area and spreading it out and removing some piles of sticks and limbs we had stacked in the yard from previous storms. The wood and all debris was removed the yard was repaired and grass seed sewn per the contract. They even blew off the deck, driveway and walkways. We were very pleased with the entire process. These folks are fine professionals with great customer service skills and very skillful in the way they performed the work.